Tuesday, December 20, 2005

catching up


Well over the last few day's a lot has been going on. So let me snuggle down so we can catch up.

I am finally making headway on cleaning up the house. I keep telling myself that I need to get this done before more of my mother in laws stuff shows up in our already crowed house. Today I went through our bedroom and just cleaned like there was no tomorrow. I even cleaned out my clothes and shoes! I guess I needed an excuse to do that.

Well the girls will not be going to Africa, instead they are going to Nicaragua! Rusty and I are so excited for them! The trip is going to cost us about $3,000 for both of the girls. That will include everything except passports, and shots. All of the girls who are going on the trip will be hitting the thrift stores to buy some clothes. The girls must dress in the same style as the girls down there are. No belly shirts and no really short shorts. They will be wearing skirts and dresses. Then I was told that when they leave to come home that the girls will all of their clothes for there for the people. I think that is so cool. Well after the first of the year I will need to get back to work, so I can make the money to send the girls. We can afford to do this, but I don't want to take the money out of the budget.

Rusty and I bought a t.v. with a dvd player built in. The other night I was just so worn out and I told Rusty that all I wanted to do was crawl into bed with a cup of chai tea and watch some t.v. So we now have a t.v. in our room.

Today is Rusty's birthday and he is 38 years young! We went out to lunch with some of our friend's and then we just hung out with them for a little bit. While we were gone the children made Rusty a ginger bread house for his birthday. He was so shocked!

I realized today that we have gotten more sympathy cards then we did Christmas cards.

To my great surprise the picture on my i.d. card turned out good.

I think that I am done catching everyone up!

Right now I am so thankful that we have friends who care.

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