Thursday, January 12, 2006


I would like to know why I get stuck meeting Rusty's crazy relatives? Rusty found out this morning that both of his mothers sisters are coming in along with a few cousins! I just thank God that they do not know where we live.

I find meeting his relatives to be very unfair. I did not introduce him to my crazy uncle who is a state trooper and just shoots anyone he wants just because he can. I did not introduce him to my crazy aunt who house was gross that the state had to come in. I did not introduce him to my crazy uncle who thinks it is funny to beet his wife and children. So why am I being punished! LOL

We had actually thought about just dropping off the ashes and then going to a 40th birthday party, but now that is not happening. We still have not found an urn or the money tree from which we are suppose to pay for all of this! To top it all of I was told that I was just wrong because I still have the ashes in the trunk of my car! Well what am I suppose to do with them?

So I should be doing shit around here that needs to be done, but instead I have been on the computer all morning. OH! Does anyone want to see what I found on e bay? I had bought two separate pieces of dishes at yard sales just because they looked funky. Well last night I found them on e bay! Who knew?   O.k. I am off to start my day!

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