Friday, September 8, 2006

I must laugh

Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at your children! Today is one of those days.

Nikki wanted to go to the football game and the dance. Well they were up at the high school. So she could go to the football game, but not the dance since Nikki does not have a high school i.d.

So today Amber really looked at everyone in her classes until she found someone that looks like Nikki. Then she borrowed that girls i.d. so Nikki could get into the dance. I just hope that they do not get busted!

Not to much else has gone on today. We went to base to pick up some wood, and look for a few gifts, but there really were not any good gifts to buy.

That is my day. How dull! Thats o.k. because I need some down time.



Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly;  I'm just laughing about some of the antics high school kids do and hope they don't get caught.  Oh, I remember the days!!!  Take care, Nelishia

Anonymous said...

hi there hun,just caught up with you,my alerts are now working but the urls are crap,still you cant have it all,Im glad youre doing the work around the house,but dont forget to slow down a little,you do need to cry but i guess thatll come when you least expect it,take care hun,hugs to you xxzoexx

Anonymous said...

LOL.....yep, that sounds like the things both of my kids did! :o) Yes you do need some down time. I hope you're able to get more. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli :-) I hope the girls get away with it, sounds like something I used to do ~ many years ago lol.....take it easy mate, we all need time to put our feet up with a cuppa! Have a great weekend :-)
lotsa love Debbie ~xxxxx~

Anonymous said...

oh how cute and ingenious! Hope Nikki got into the dance


Anonymous said...

Hope Nikki got into the dance! lol and I love dull days!! Linda xx