Wednesday, June 15, 2005

nothing going on....... for a change

yesterday was a o.k. day. I talked for a long time to an old friend. It is to have friend that you can just pick up the phone and chat with. we must have talked about everything!

I am so happy that school will be out this week. I am looking foward to a long summer with the children. I want to go the ocean a lot. I love being able to sit on the beach and watch the children play in the water. I dont usually go in, but I have fun just catching up on some reading and watching the children have a blast.

A couple we know was suppose to go to Japan for a 3 year tour, so we were going to send our oldest there for her 16th birthday. Well now our friends are going to new york. I guess we can send our daughter to new york but I thought that Amber ( our daughter) would get a kick out of going to Japan. Oh well I guess new york will have to do.

I will be 35 on Thursday. That is so cool. I only get better with age, so I am looking foward to this birthday! Thirty was a hard year for me and I had such a complex about myself. My mother told me that if I do not make it through 30 then 40 will kill me. Sp I sat down and did some soul searching Everything about my life was looked at. All of the things that I did not like, I worked hard to change them, and I know know that I am in charge of my life. Thirty four was great so I know that thirty five will be awesome!

well I need to get started on my day. Today I am going to spend the day just working around the house......but I dont mind. I love keeping a house.

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