I do not make traditional new years resolutions. I know that I should exercise, eat right and watch less t.v. I spent a lot of years saying these things. So now I make a different kind of list. A list of things I want to do.
1. I want to see Reagan library
2. I want to see Hearst castle
3. I want to learn to surf
4. I want to adopt a family for Christmas
5. I want to take a glider ride
6. I want to ride in a hot air balloon
7. I want to stomp grapes at the wine festival
8. I want to go to the Clydesdale farm...... which is 20 minutes away and Anheuser Bush owns!
9. I want to hug a red wood tree
10. I want to help help sick and homeless animals
11. I want to make some quilts to give to the police. They give them out to people whom they meet in the coarse of doing their job.
12. I would like to have more marines call our house home. Yes we already have a lot that do, but I want to help as many marines as I can. * side note* Any branch of the service is welcome here, we just live very close to a marine base.
Is a list of things that I can do nothing about, but would like to see them happen.
1. I would like to see Amber make some more friend and even have a boyfriend. Amber is not as out going Nikki so it is harder for Amber to make friends. Amber so wants a boy to notice her, but they all think that she is "ugly"! I keep telling Amber to just wait. Those boys will grow up and realize what they have passed up.
2. After all I have been through with my mom, I still hope that she has a good year. My mom wants to start doing things that my dad would not do with her. Things like going to Italy.
3. I hope that Rusty will at least e mail his brother, even if it is to say kiss my ass. I know that Rusty's brother hurt him VERY badly, however it is the only blood relative that he has left. O.K. he has some aunts and cousins out there..... it just is not the same.
So there is my list. If I do not do the items on my list that is fine as long as I do something different and step outside of my comfort zone.
Tonight I think that Rusty and I are going to go see the pursuit of happiness and then that will be about it.