Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Let me set this up for everyone.

Nikki youngest daughter

Amber oldest daughter

Geo nikki's boyfriend

Sam Ambers boyfriend?!

Sam came over to see Amber yesterday and I put him to work pulling carpet. He seems like a nice kid. Then he went home

I had to go pick up Geo from wrestling practice and Nikki was telling him about Ambers new guy. Geo said that he does not like Sam and that he hopes that Rusty hates him! Geo wants to be the only boyfriend that Rusty likes.

I go to pick Amber up from work and I told her what Geo said. So Amber goes running into the house and bitch slaps Geo on the back of his head! LOL She said this for saying that Rusty will like you more.

Then Sam calls and asks Amber to go to the movies. Rusty about lost it, and told Amber that the little scum bag needed to come meet Rusty.

 Nikki, Geo and I are standing at the breakfast bar and rusty is cooking when Sam shows up. Sam takes his hat off and just looks at Rusty. Once Rusty started speaking all of us scattered! Sam was so on his own.

Sam made a few mistakes. One he never looked Rusty in the eye and he never offered to shake Rusty's hand. BIG mistake! So Rusty read him the riot act and made it very clear that he better never honk his horn to pick Amber up and that he better walk her to the door every night. Rusty said that if he honked his horn he better be delivering a pizza.

Sam and Amber got to go the movies. However Rusty did call her during the movie to see if they were watching the movie or to interrupt them if they were not watching movie.

Amber has had her cycle for a few months now. At first I was not concerned, but now I am taking her to the doctors.  So i guess we see what the doctor has to say.

I have to go get dinner started and then I must get laundry done. I am sure that the girls will have me doing something else today.



Anonymous said...

what a wild bunch of kids!Lol!:):) Justkidding, mine are "fun loving" too!lol!
well... I must admit it can get confusing wiht all of these boyfriends! Your daughters and your sonare so charming!I like it alot that Rusty is on top of it!
love and hugs,natalie

Anonymous said...

Funny!  I so don't look forward to when my daughter starts dating.  My husband will handle it pretty much like yours did!  And of course, she has a big brother who will put his two cents' worth in, too.

Anonymous said...

If he sticks around after all that, then he must really like your daughter! lol


Anonymous said...

Glad i only have the one daughter... LOL @ Rusty.. good for him... wish hubby would have done that to the jerk rachel is now stuck with...

Anonymous said...

I have three daughters.  I feel your pain.  Theya re grown up now but still, OMG  I remember.  They fought each other too.  Like men sometimes!


Anonymous said...

oh boyfriends, lol Happy that they made it to the movies. I hope things are ok when she goes to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am just starting to read some journals after being so busy with family for a few days.  Glad to see you survived the holidays.  Don't have much to say, but thought I would just say hi!   Gerry